Sunday, December 30, 2007

Femtocell- ur personal network tower!

Recently, a news article i came across somewhere caught my attention, and boy oh boy, it sure looks exciting. Imagine having your own network tower with you so that you wont have to search for network coverage. Ever heard of femtocell? I bet you didn't!

A femtocell is the world's worst name for a very exciting technology. It's a box (about the size of a router) that you connect to your broadband router; it essentially gives you your very own cell phone tower, right in your home.
Who wants a cell phone tower at home? Anyone who's ever had to stand immobile to keep their connection, or hang their head out the window to get another bar on their phone, or--heaven forbid--to walk up a hill.
Femtocell-outfitted homes will have crystal-clear phone coverage. And just imagine driving up to your house and having your phone know that it's time to switch over to your femtocell to keep up your coverage without missing a beat. Heck, you can even make a call from the basement.

The talk is that femtocells will be low cost, low power, and compact. They work on the same frequency as a cell site and share some similar technology. Instead of searching for a cell tower to connect to, the femtocell base station picks up the mobile phone signal and sends it out via the Internet via your broadband connection. Initially, femtocells will predominantly be used to get clear reception, but ultimately they could also be used for accessing data and Internet connectivity (similar to how EV-DO is used by the cellular carriers today). Down the road, this could mean some competition for 802.11 Wi-Fi as the home wireless standard.

There should be a number of femtocell announcements at CES and products should begin to appear on the market by late 2008. Now, about that word? According to a recent BusinessWeek article, "femto" means "one-quadrillionth the size of a given unit." What can we deduce from the name? Cell phone towers are gargantuan, and engineers, not marketers, named this breakthrough technology.

Thanks to Reuters for the image. I really hope this wonderful technology is made available in countries, esp India where network coverage is deteriorating day by day!

Man gets $85000 Bill for Modem use

Now this is really shocking news!

We've seen $3,000 cell phone bills. We've seen $10,000 cell phone bills. But now we've got a bill that's approaching six figures, as a Canadian man has been hit with an $85,000 invoice.
And no, it's not a computer error.

Piotr Staniaszek had been using his cell phone as a modem for his computer, thinking he was covered under his $10-a-month unlimited mobile browser plan from Canadian telco Bell Mobility. He actually caught the bill at $65,000. When he called to complain, he was told that it had hit $85,000 for the use since the bill was mailed.

The likely problem is that Staniaszek got understandably confused about what his recently signed $10 data plan covered. Such plans often cover data use on the phone itself (such as texting or using the built-in browser on the phone), but not when it's used as a modem with a PC. (Without going into extreme detail, the connection types are different, and the phone company can tell the difference between the two types of traffic.) Bell Mobility has dropped the bill to just $3,243, but Staniaszek is still fighting it. (Of course.)
Staniaszek also notes that the phone company should have notified him when charges started to spiral out of control; previously he'd gotten a call when he racked up a mere $100 in charges on his old data plan. Now his bill climbs into the thousands and no one bats an eye. I'd be peeved, too.

Remember that all cell phone plans are not created equally, and "data" has numerous definitions. Before you connect your phone to your computer, make sure you understand the charges you're setting yourself up for, and check your usage on your phone company's website periodically (especially if you're using your phone for something new) so that you don't get slapped with any financial surprises!!

Source: Yahoo Tech

Friday, December 28, 2007

Essential post Format Freewares

Everytime you format your pc, u think- now what all do i have to install??
Worry not coz i will list the bare necessary softwares you will require after you format your pc!

VLC Media Player
K-lite Mega codec Pack
Shockwave Player

or Opera
Internet Explorer Latest
Pidgin (supports multiple chat networks)
Mozzila Thunderbird

AVG Antivirus
Spybot Search & Destroy
Outpost Firewall free

Pc inspector File Recovery
IZArc (free alternative to winzip n winrar)
Process Explorer
Tweak UI
Foxit Pdf reader

All of 'em are Freewares. Try them coz they will make ur pc experience memorable!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Orkut Vs Facebook

Omg!..i do see a lot of my friends joinin atleast one of the popular social networkin sites.
Can't blame em, after all it is the "IN" thing to be a part of a popular networkin site.
I myself, have many accounts on the various sites..I 've finally decided to pass my vote as to the best social networkin site among Orkut and Facebook.

One of the most popular websites in India and Brazil, it is a rage among the teenagers.
It has many loyal fans who have even coined terms like "orkutting", i myself admire the website
for it has a really simple interface and is very easy to use. Also , the fact that most of my friends are available on orkut, it gives me all the more reasons to join Orkut.

1.Speed - Orkut is a really light website which is a boon for users in India as bandwidth is as scarce as tigers in India. Loads really fast.!

2.Layout- Orkut has a really smart and easy to use design, thereby scores high on layout.

3.Customisability-Well, in this case it doesn't rock. You can't really customise ur profile or anythin.

4.Interactability- Members can communicate with each other via Scraps and communities. Nothing new in terms of concept.

5.Why it Rocks-The reason people get addicted to Orkut is that every1 wants to increase their scraps and every1 tends to regularly change their profile pics. The captions are also really fun and they reflect ur attitude n ur state of mind.

It is now gaining momentum interms of both fans n members and is now a leading player in the market. Users are slowly shifting their base to Facebook.The number of extensions that you can add to your home page of ur account is endless.

1.Speed- This site is both fast and slow depending on the applications you install. Often users fill their profile with oodles of applications that slow down the site like hell and users often curse the site for its heavy footprint.

2.Layout- The site is fairly easy to use and one doesnt require too much experience to use it. However, the procedure for doing basic stuff is fairly irritating!

3.Customisability- This is one area where the site really shines! literally! :) . Users can add as many applications as they want and can move the positions of various applications. However the basic layout cannot be changed.

4.Interactability- Members can interact with each other in countless number of ways, they can do literally anyhting n everything from giving hugs,kisses,kicks,punches to feeding each others fishes,pets etc.! The wall is also a medium much like the scrapbook in orkutm but it hasnt been imlied well.

5.Why it Rocks- Well, the main reason as to why facebook rocks is already mentioned, i.e the applications and their sheer number which the users can use to communicate in innovative manners!...

I suggest every1 to alteast try both these fantastic sites and yourselves decide which one is better~!