Monday, December 24, 2007

Orkut Vs Facebook

Omg!..i do see a lot of my friends joinin atleast one of the popular social networkin sites.
Can't blame em, after all it is the "IN" thing to be a part of a popular networkin site.
I myself, have many accounts on the various sites..I 've finally decided to pass my vote as to the best social networkin site among Orkut and Facebook.

One of the most popular websites in India and Brazil, it is a rage among the teenagers.
It has many loyal fans who have even coined terms like "orkutting", i myself admire the website
for it has a really simple interface and is very easy to use. Also , the fact that most of my friends are available on orkut, it gives me all the more reasons to join Orkut.

1.Speed - Orkut is a really light website which is a boon for users in India as bandwidth is as scarce as tigers in India. Loads really fast.!

2.Layout- Orkut has a really smart and easy to use design, thereby scores high on layout.

3.Customisability-Well, in this case it doesn't rock. You can't really customise ur profile or anythin.

4.Interactability- Members can communicate with each other via Scraps and communities. Nothing new in terms of concept.

5.Why it Rocks-The reason people get addicted to Orkut is that every1 wants to increase their scraps and every1 tends to regularly change their profile pics. The captions are also really fun and they reflect ur attitude n ur state of mind.

It is now gaining momentum interms of both fans n members and is now a leading player in the market. Users are slowly shifting their base to Facebook.The number of extensions that you can add to your home page of ur account is endless.

1.Speed- This site is both fast and slow depending on the applications you install. Often users fill their profile with oodles of applications that slow down the site like hell and users often curse the site for its heavy footprint.

2.Layout- The site is fairly easy to use and one doesnt require too much experience to use it. However, the procedure for doing basic stuff is fairly irritating!

3.Customisability- This is one area where the site really shines! literally! :) . Users can add as many applications as they want and can move the positions of various applications. However the basic layout cannot be changed.

4.Interactability- Members can interact with each other in countless number of ways, they can do literally anyhting n everything from giving hugs,kisses,kicks,punches to feeding each others fishes,pets etc.! The wall is also a medium much like the scrapbook in orkutm but it hasnt been imlied well.

5.Why it Rocks- Well, the main reason as to why facebook rocks is already mentioned, i.e the applications and their sheer number which the users can use to communicate in innovative manners!...

I suggest every1 to alteast try both these fantastic sites and yourselves decide which one is better~!


Anonymous said...

hmm nice review, very straight 2 the point

from my perspective I think none of the sites are upto the mark, For facebook it is really sucky with apps and all, I hate EM. They are really annoying. Recently I was browsing their community and I found a group " I dont want to have sex because Mount Carmel School fucks me all the time"

which was the only funny thing in there lol

and Orkut you know its not much of a fun, I personally hate scrap chat and its nothing too new except its for mature people. I mean seriously kids are wasting their time there.

It should be undone

Anonymous said...

U are right there mr/ms anomynous...
c initially...when u join orkut...u get the craze of incresin ur scraps n being on the same level as far as scraps are concerned with ur friends...but later on u get bored...
i noe get really bored wid orkut...coz it aint fun anymore..
thanks fr ur comment..

Greeshma. said...

my views r kind of tilted 2wards both...

i didn't join orkut 2 increase my scrapz or was just d plain attraction 4 making new frndz..2 b a part of d NEW IN-THING!!

and yhea...i agree...orkut has lost its importance 4 me aint dat snazzy as facebuk but still as my IN frndz r kinda on orkut....i still prefer 2 keep 2 orkut!!

d abv point in itself is a plus point 4 orkut n a neg. 4 facebuk....facebuk is soo new 4 indianz...itz lyk an era of new tech 4 us!

FACEBUKz OSM...i find it cool n funky...coz itz ol abt ur wish on almost any application n stuff dere and abv all u find privacy dere...itz upto u 2 control whu seez wot n how much of ur profyl...!!
yet....facebukz kinda difficult 2 handle @ tymz...coz it takes way too time much tym 2 load coz m having tonnes of application added 2 mi profyl.

SO...m bk 2 square one...d 1st line meaning only dat...m tilted 2wards both!!

hence...until n unless..facebuk or even orkut dusn cum up wid sumthing more FUNKY n USEFUL dan dese.....V GUYZ r stuk btw orkut n facebuk!!!

Anonymous said...

@greesh: dude this is computer not a mobile phone, you got a keyboard not ur freaking mob keypad. SO WRITE LIKE A MAN AND NOT LIKE A DOUCHTURD

Anonymous said...

@ anomynous
shez not a man shez a she cant write lyk a man!

Anonymous said...

thanks fer da comments...
@ guys
lets not have a gender fight here now..alright?..

Greeshma. said...

@ anonymous who hd trble wid mi comment...i didn quite understand ur point...coz u know m a gal not a man...:P ellaborate it d next tym u comment...SMIRK!

Teejay said...

kick-ass fighting goin on!..:D

Greeshma. said...

kick ass...yhea....but mebbe......virtual kick-ass is a much bttr word!!

Anonymous said...

Go piss off somewhere else Greesh...
DOya even know these sites to the core??
Its solely your choice as to whether you like scraps or not!...
The fact is that when someone joins Orkut, he looks forward to increasing his scraps all the time.. trust me! I have seen more of em than you have!

@ anomynous sucks
Who the fuck are you huh?
whats your fucking problem eh?
GO suck someone else's balls!

Anonymous said...

Let's not fight in here.

I have pointed out my perspectives in the first post itself.

@greesh: What i was referring with computer and mobile was that some idiots in the world using their ugly mobile phones gradually develop a habit of writing short words, for example instead of to they will write 2, for friends they may write frndz and facebook ki to dacchiya uddaa di hai en logo ne, they write FACEBUK.

I am talking about such people who are pussies to write like a man and if you consider your self one then so be it.

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