Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just another week in DCE

Well, Been about 2 months since i've joined DCE and i find nothin amusing at this point of time.
Freshers Night came n went, but had an amazing nightout that night.
Its already so freaking cold n we guys were out at night on Bikes.LOL
FUN- Freaking uninterrupted Night!
Well, ofcourse i had a hangover of sorts, the following morning but it was worth it.
Next day i suddenly had a thought, a question rather?
What makes me different from the others? What am i doing here? Why am i wasting my time like this when i had studied so much to get till here? Why am i not doing anything productive?
That was the first thought that came into my mind but then i soon realized the gravity of the situation.
Hell yeah, Gotta do something.
Made plans to study, join CSI,made a timetable.
Next morning again the same bunking habit, same gaming sessions on my laptop.

And now i'm here, doing nothin (well atleast something) by posting on my blog.((WTF! i forgot i had an existence!)
Well then though i havent really found any answers for my questions, still i believe we all oughta do something useful, fruitful while we're in the glory days of our life.
College is the place to start your life,start something new, think different, BE DIFFERENT! So just STFU n wipe the dust off ur ass.
Be You!



Unknown said...

well no one can say what we're gonna do the very next moment (atleast i can't). so let's just leave everything on time and do what we wanna do, what our heart says to us!!!!!!!

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