Tuesday, October 23, 2007


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ok now this may have been a little overboard, but i now think that linux will displace microsoft from its current position in the OS market.Now i had to post sumtin for the image i posted so i wrote.!...hehe..lollz

Anyways, according to me, some reasons why linux is better than Windows !
1. Forget about Viruses-
OK now be4 you start sayin "what the hell is dis guy sayin!", i just wanna say that linux, though not fully virus free, {nothin is perfect, u c...:)} yet it has really few viruses as compared to Windows.....and as you know...windows..is a really large though not open {pun intended}, window to loads of malware.... .. if you really love gettin infected every now and then ,,, congrats,,,u deserve nothin less than an original copy of windows...rest of you deserve other better alternatives.....

Linux and "Open Source" software are "free". This means their license is a "free license", and the most common is the GPL (General Public License). This license states that anyone is allowed to copy the software, see the source code (the "recipe"), modify it, and redistribute it as long as it remains licensed with the GPL.
So what do you care about freedom? Imagine that Microsoft disappears tomorrow (okay, that's not very likely, but what about in 5 years, 10 years?). Or imagine it suddenly triples the price for a Windows or Office license. If you're tied to Windows, there's nothing you can do. You (or your business) relies on this one company, on its software, and you can't possibly make things work without it (what good is a computer without an operating system?). Isn't that a serious problem? You're depending on one single company and trusting it wholeheartedly to let something so important nowadays as your computers work the way they should. If Microsoft decides to charge $1000 for the next version of Windows, there's nothing you can do about it (except switch to Linux, of course). If Windows has a bug that bothers you very much and Microsoft won't fix it, there's nothing you can do (and submitting bugs to Microsoft isn't that easy, see the "Report bugs" section).
With Open Source, if a particular project or support company dies, all the code remains open to the community and people can keep improving it. If this project is especially useful to you, you can even do this yourself. If a particular bug annoys you, you can submit it, talk with the developers, but even better, you can fix it yourself (or hire someone to do so), and send the changes back to the upstream developers so that everyone gets the improvement as well. You're free to do (nearly) whatever you want with the software.

3.Don't pay $300 for your operating system (And don't copy them illegally)
You're probably saying to yourself : "Oh, I didn't pay for Windows". Are you absolutely sure ? If your computer came with a copy of Windows, then you paid for it, even if the store didn't tell you about that. The price for a Windows license amounts to an average of one fourth of each new computer's price. So unless you obtained Windows illegally, you probably paid for it. Where do you think Microsoft gets its money from?
On the other hand, you can get Linux completely free of charge. That's right, all these guys all around the world worked very hard to make a neat, secure, efficient, good-looking system, and they are giving their work away for everybody to use freely (if you wonder why these guys do such things, drop me an email and I'll try to explain the best I can :) ). Of course, some companies are making good business by selling support, documentation, hotline, etc., for their own version of Linux, and this is certainly a good thing. But most of the time, you won't need to pay a cent.

4.Enjoy free and unlimited support
One of the great assets of the Open Source community (and Linux in particular), is that it's a real community. Users and developers really are out there, on web forums, on mailing lists, on IRC channels, helping out new users. They're all happy to see more and more people switch to Linux, and they're happy to help them get a grip on their new system.
So if there's something you don't understand, a program that doesn't behave the way you would expect, or a feature that you can't seem to find, don't hesitate to go and ask for help. If there's somebody near you (family? co-workers?) who is using Linux, he or she will probably be happy to help you out. Otherwise, just go online and you'll find literally thousands of places where nice people will answer you and walk you out of your problem most of the time: geeks actually are very nice people, if you ask your question politely. Just type "linux help" (or replace "linux" with whatever distribution you chose -- see the install section) in Google and you'll undoubtedly find everything you need.

5....OK I am tired now cause there are loads of other reasons.......

NOW WHy you should choose Windows!??!....REASONS galore....------

1.There is proprietary software you can't live without

2.You are a hardcore gamer

3.You work for Microsoft

4.Steve Ballmer or Bill Gates Or Paul Allen is your relative

5.Your business requires windows only....

6.You want to install several antivirus softwares

7.Your hardware is not supported yet

8.You want to be called a pirate or are afraid to lure into safer areas!....lollz

9.I am tired....if you've got more ideas,,,please comment.....


kuriharu said...

Point by point feedback-

1. Viruses have not stopped people from using PCs. Hence, it won't stop them using Windows. And when was the last time you heard of a major virus outbreak? 2004 was the last one I recall.

2. Freedom -- this means almost nothing to mainstream users. Start talking to them about being free to modify the source code, GPL, Richard Stallman, and they'll hear "blah blah blah software blah blah". Modifying source code means NOTHING to people who can't program computers!

3. OS being expensive. When someone can buy a new Dell or HP for $400 with monitor and printer, do you think they're really concerned with the cost of the OS? An iPhone costs more.

I like Linux, but it's not going to overtake Windows.

мя.єх¢єρтισηαℓ said...

Well can u give the link for downloading linux??

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